8. Death

8. Death

Will for a man with a de facto wife & 1 child. His wife is sole executrix. 2 trusts split by %. (L-86759)


AUD $110.00

Will for a widower in a de facto relationship with 2 kids from a previous marriage. (P-40906)


AUD $16.50

Will for a lesbian who leaves everything to her partner. (P-09113)


AUD $16.50

Will for a homosexual in a permanent relationship, with 3 kids, who upon his death establishes a single trust. (P-09114)


AUD $16.50

Last will & testament for a man with wife & 2 kids & 2 grandkids. Everything to his wife & 2 kids in equal share & only establishes a trust if one of his kids predeceases him. (P-32141)


AUD $77.00

Will for a woman with husband & sole child; leaves everything to him; only establishes a trust for the kid if he predeceases her. (P-60793)


AUD $110.00

Will for a man with a de facto wife & 1 child. His wife is sole executrix. 2 trusts split by %. (L-86759)


AUD $110.00

Stat dec (Cth) given to the Executor by the beneficiary (1 of 2) to include a 3rd beneficiary. (P-11035)


AUD $5.50

Will for a lesbian who leaves everything to her partner, else public purpose. (P-94290)


AUD $55.00

Will for a lesbian with partner & 3 kids who upon her death wishes to establish a single trust. (P-81384)


AUD $110.00

Will of a lesbian who leaves everything to her mum, else her 2 friends in equal share, her previous partner not to benefit. (P-09013)


AUD $55.00

A clause that excludes particular person(s) from being a beneficiary under this Will. (P-21298)


AUD $3.30

Will for a man with a wife & 3 kids, leaving everything to his wife & establishing a testamentary trust for the kids. (P-48615)


AUD $110.00

Will for a man with a wife & 3 kids; establishing 2 testamentary trusts, 1 for his wife & 1 for his 3 kids. (P-84048)


AUD $110.00

Will for a woman with a husband & 3 kids, who leaves everything to him; only establishes a testamentary trust for the kids if he predeceases her. (P-92205)


AUD $110.00

Will for a gay guy, everything to his partner, else 2 children in equal share. (P-13141)


AUD $16.50

Last will & testament for a man with a wife & 2 children who leaves everything to her & only establishes a testamentary trust for the kids if she predeceases him. (P-88429)


AUD $110.00

Will for a lesbian with 2 kids who splits equally between her partner & her kids. (P-89852)


AUD $55.00

Will for a man with de facto partner & 2 kids & 2 grandkids. Special to his de facto (superannuation fund) & separately defined specials to his kids. Specials to his grandkids in 2 trusts. Residual to his de facto partner. (P-32142)


AUD $110.00

Will for a lesbian with 2 kids, who leaves everything to her, else them. (P-65013)


AUD $16.50

Will for a gay man who leaves everything to his partner else his (two) kids. (P-30462)


AUD $55.00

Will for a lesbian with 2 kids who leaves everything to her, else them. (P-70173)


AUD $55.00

Will for a gay man who splits his estate equally between his partner and his 3 kids. (P-60738)


AUD $55.00

Will for a woman with a de facto husband & 1 kid who establishes 2 testamentary trusts, 1 for her husband & 1 for her kid & splits by %. (P-13561)


AUD $110.00

Will for a lesbian who leaves everything to her partner, else her 3 friends. (P-94150)


AUD $55.00

Will for a lesbian with a partner & 3 friends, who acknowledges each of them. (P-76298)


AUD $55.00

Will for a lesbian in a permanent relationship with 2 kids who leaves everything to her partner with special instructions. (P-21999)


AUD $55.00

Last will & testament for man with a wife & sole child, leaving everything to her; only establishes trust if she predeceases him. (P-88914)


AUD $110.00

Will for a lesbian with 2 kids who leaves everything to her partner with special instructions. (P-27171)


AUD $55.00

Will for a gay man who splits his between his partner & his 2 kids. (P-79064)


AUD $55.00

Will for a gay guy, sharing equally his partner and his 2 kids. (P-13356)


AUD $55.00

Last will & testament for a single man with few concerns. (P-20756)


AUD $16.50

Will for a lesbian woman with 2 kids (1 of her partner & 1 her own). 3 way Equal share. (P-54408)


AUD $55.00

Will for a lesbian with a partner and 2 kids and a lover. (P-42979)


AUD $55.00

Will for a man in a de facto relationship with 2 kids. (P-40905)


AUD $16.50

Will for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) - everything to my husband, else my 2 children in equal share; guardianship issues? (P-11026)


AUD $16.50

Will for a woman with a husband & 4 kids, he as sole executor & establishing 2 testamentary trusts, one for him & the other for them under his control. (P-71417)


AUD $110.00

Will for a man with a wife & 1 child, establishing 2 testamentary trusts, 1 for his wife & 1 for his kid. (P-65175)


AUD $110.00

Will for a woman with a husband & 1 sole child, establishing two testamentary trusts. (P-67932)


AUD $110.00

Will for a woman in a same sex marriage (SSM); everything to my wife, else 2 equal shares: 1 for my kids and 1 for hers. (P-11031)


AUD $55.00

Will of a lesbian woman, in a permanent relationship, with 1 child. (P-13171)


AUD $55.00

Will for a married man (de facto) whose wife is terminally ill & he wants to provide for his daughter & trusts her to do the right thing by her. (P-33472)


AUD $55.00

Will for a lesbian with a partner & 2 kids & a lover, who acknowledges each of them. (P-47012)


AUD $55.00

Will for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) - to my husband, else my (6) kids in equal share. (P-11024)


AUD $16.50

Will for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) - everything to my husband, else my kids (in a list) in equal share, exclude others. (P-11028)


AUD $55.00

Will for a gay man who leaves everything to his partner, else his 3 friends, in equal share. (P-38290)


AUD $55.00

Will for a woman in a same sex marriage (SSM) - everything to my wife, else my kids (in a list) in equal share, exclude others. (P-11027)


AUD $55.00

Will for a same sex married (SSM) man: everything to my husband, else my children in equal share; stepchild? who cares! (P-11004)


AUD $55.00

Will for a gay man who leaves everything to his partner, else to be given to public purpose. (P-69569)


AUD $55.00

Will for a woman with a husband & 2 kids, establishing 2 testamentary trusts, 1 for him & 1 for them. (P-47993)


AUD $110.00
