Environment - glossary of terms & acronyms

AA = assigned amount

AAU = standard assigned amount unit under Kyoto protocol

ABARE = Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics

abatement = diminution, reduction

abatement certificate = government body issues a certificate to prove a diminution/reduction in greenhouse gas pollution resulting directly from a particular abatement measure or the introduction of an abatement technology

abatement technology = a technical innovation that results directly in diminution/reduction in greenhouse gas polution

absorption = take in and store

ACCRA = Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority

ACCSR = Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility

ACGG = atmospheric concentration (of) GhG

ACGG unit = standard unit for measuring the local atmospheric concentration of GhG

acidification = increased levels of acid; such as increased levels of carbonic acid in the ocean; See ocean acidification

adaptation to climate change = such as desertification

Advanced Water Treatment Plant (AWTP) = advanced water treatment centre

AEEI = Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvement

AETS = Australian Emissions Trading Scheme

AEU = Australian Emissions Unit

afforestation = establishing forest on a land that lacks a forest or where a forest has never existed

agricultural (activities) = enteric fermentation, manure management, rice cultivation, agriculture soils, prescribed burning of savannas, field burning of agriculture residues, other

agriculture emissions = anthropogenic GhGE from agricultural activities except for fuel combustion and sewage emissions

AGO = Australian Greenhouse Office

agriculture emissions exclusion = agricultural emissions permanently excluded from Australia’s CPRS scheme (See Voluntary emissions reporting)

allocation baseline = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; a baseline to determine the allocation of permits to pollute, who is included and who is excluded; e.g. electricity industry based on how many tonnes of emissions for every megawatt hour of electricity consumed, set at 1t CO2-e per megawatt- hour

alternative water supplies = including desalination, water recycling and stormwater harvesting

amelioration = practical action in response to impact or risk of impact that reduces impact

anaerobic digester = collector of gases from organic decomposition for the purpose of reuse in the production of heat or electricity

anthropogenic = attributable to human activity

assigned amount (AA) = emissions allowed under Kyoto protocol

assessment report = comparing the levels of risk and impact found during the analysis process with previously established risk criteria, producing a "measurement" or "level" of risk and deciding on an appropriate "response". The output of a risk assessment is a prioritised list of risks for further action

AP6 = Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate

aquatic ecosystems = ecological unit, any water environment

AS/NZS ISO 14000 = Basic Set:2007 Environmental Management Basic Set

AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 = Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003 = Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing

Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (AP6) = Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and USA

Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) = Australian government economic research agency

Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority (ACCRA) = established by the passage of the Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority Bill 2009 whose role is to administer the trading scheme, the reporting regime (under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and the renewable energy target (under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000).

Australian Emissions Unit (AEU) = a carbon pollution permit unit issued under the CPRS

aviation emissions = GhGE from fuel use in aircraft engaged in domestic/international transport

AWTP = Advanced Water Treatment Plant

base rate power =

benchmark = point of known elevation, used to mark, measure or reference nearby locations

BEV = battery electric(ally-powered) vehicles

Bill, the = Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009

billion = See giga-

biofuels = biomass fuels

biomass fuels = taking grains, oilseeds, etc. and turning it into ethanol, biodiesel, biogas, etc

biomass fuel emissions = emissions from biomass fuel burning which has been recently grown, considered carbon neutral; other GhG from biomass fuel combustion are considered net emissions

bubble = under the bubble concept allowed under the Kyoto protocol the EU's 15 member States redistribute their emissions targets among themselves

budgets = See carbon budgets

burden = economic and social cost of amelioration and mitigation strategy

burden share = means of defining, measuring and deciding on who shall bear the economic and social cost of amelioration and mitigation strategy

c = centi-

carbon budgets = a key concept in carbon trading; See dual carbon budgets, multiple carbon budgets

carbon capture and storage (CCS) = capture of CO2 from a major emitter (such as a power station) and store it in sinks

carbon costs =

carbon dioxide (CO2) = a GhG

carbon dioxide equivalence (CO2-e) = (as defined in NCOS) a standard measure that takes account of the different global warming potentials of greenhouse gases and expresses the cumulative effect in a common unit.

carbon efficiency = [target CO2 emissions/actual CO2 emissions] (See: Hongliang Yang: Carbon Reduction Potential, and Economic Development in the Peoples Republic of China: A Total Factor Production Model, ADB, 2010)

carbon emissions = technically one of the greenhouse gas emissions but often the terms are used interchangeably

carbon footprint = (as defined in NCOS) A measure of the carbon dioxide equivalent emissions attributable to an activity, commonly used at an individual, household, organisation or product level.

carbon intensity = (absolute) the amount of CO2 generated per unit of gross domestic product = CO2/GDP; For (relative) (to level of economic development) see carbon efficiency

carbon neutral = a process the effect of which is no increase or reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

carbon neutrality = (as defined in NCOS) Commonly refers to a situation where the net emissions associated with a product or an organisation’s activities are equal to zero through the acquisition and retirement of carbon offsets that meet additionality criteria.

carbon offset = the pollution involved in this process is allowed because another process somewhere else makes the combination of both processes carbon neutral

carbon offset = (as defined in NCOS) a reduction in greenhouse gases, or enhancement of greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere by sinks, relative to a business-as-usual baseline. Carbon offsets are tradeable and often used to negate (or offset) all or part of another entity’s emissions.

carbon performance = See carbon intensity; carbon efficiency

carbon pollution permit = an Australian Emissions Unit (AEU) issued under the CPRS

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 = a Bill for an Act to establish an emissions trading scheme containing detailed provisions relating to: entities and emissions covered by the Scheme; liable entities’ obligation to surrender emissions units corresponding to their emissions; limits on the number of emissions units that will be issued; the nature of Australian emissions units; allocation of Australian emissions units, including by auction and the issue of free units; mechanisms to contain costs, including a fixed price period and a price cap; linking to other emissions trading schemes; assistance in relation to emissions-intensive trade-exposed activities and coal-fired electricity generators; voluntary inclusion of reforestation activities under the Scheme; the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units; and monitoring and enforcement. Click here

carbon price = price of greenhouse gas emissions, this creates an incentive on its allowances

carbon sink = a natural or manmade reservoir that accumulates and stores CO2 for an indefinite period

carbon target = an overall absolute target is modified because of level of economic development achieved; See carbon intensity; See carbon efficiency

carbon trading = trading emission credits, process of buying/selling credits

carbonic acid (H2CO3) = the result of solution of carbon dioxide (CO2) in water (H2O); See ocean acidification

CCAF = Climate Change Action Fund

CCF = climate-carbon feedbacks

CCF = climate change funding (NSW State Government)

CCS = carbon capture (and) storage

centi- (c) = one-hundredth; 10-2

CDM = clean development mechanism

CER = certified emissions reduction under Kyoto protocol

certified emission reduction (CER) = a Kyoto unit; one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, and issued for verified emission reductions or removals achieved by projects approved under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). CDM projects undertaking afforestation and reforestation activities issue temporary and long term units known as tCERs and lCERs, which must be replaced after a specified period.

CFC = chlorofluorocarbon

CFL = compact fluorescent lamp

CH4 = methane

clean development mechanism (CDM) = under the Kyoto protocol an Annex I country may implement a project in a non-Annex I country that reduces emissions and then use the resulting certified emission reductions (CERs) to help meet its own targets

clean development mechanism (CDM) = the CDM allows greenhouse gas emission reduction projects to take place in countries that have no emission targets under the Kyoto protocol, yet are signatories. The CDM is defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto protocol.

clean green =

climate change = it is well understood that climate continues to change but the current concept of climate change is a general understanding and acceptance that climate is presently changing dramatically because of anthropogenic activities causing stress on the environment and causing disastrous consequence at present unfolding with scientists predicting more disaster in the foreseeable future

Climate Change Action Fund (CCAF) =

climate sensitivity = the response of the climate to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations

climate-carbon feedbacks (CCF) = a secondary effect of climate change; climate changes such as concentration of greenhouse gases affect the ability of the land and the ocean to absorb CO2 or the release of more methane (CH4) from the ocean or from permafrost as temperatures increase

CO2 = carbon dioxide

CO2-e = CO2 emission (measurement in tonnes)

CO2-eq = carbon dioxide equivalent

CO2 emissions = includes CO2 emissions from fossil-based products (incineration or decomposition); includes CO2 from organic waste handling and decay

CO2e = carbon dioxide equivalent

coal sector =

Coal Sector Abatement Fund (CSAB) = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; provides funding for coal sector abatement projects

coal sector abatement project = a project which qualifies for assistance under the CSAB

Coal Sector Adjustment Scheme (CSAS) = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; provides transitional assistance to the most emissions-intensive coal mines through free permits

compounding uncertainty = it is well known that risk is calculated by the multiplication of risk factors; as risk factors increase this can sometimes result in the compounding of impacts, as risk factors have similar impacts or consequences or are linked or related; the Garnaut Climate Change Review identifies one such compounding effect = relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric response * Climate sensitivity (including radiative forcing) * Regional climatic response to global warming * Impacts of climate change

concentrated solar power (CSP) = concentrated thermal energy

concentrated thermal energy = systems for capturing and concentrating solar radiation for use in generation

consequence = impact; the outcome of an event or situation expressed qualitatively or quantitatively in an assessment, a loss, a cost, an injury, disadvantage, or a gain

Consequential Amendments Bill, the = Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2009; consequential amendments made necessary by the passage of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 , in particular amendments to taxation laws and to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007, which provides the basis for emissions reporting required under the CPRS

Cooper Basin = cooper basin 500Mw project annual power outlet similar to snowy river ()

COP = Conference Of (The) Parties; annual conference of the members of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

COP1 = Berlin 1995

COP2 = Geneva 1996

COP3 = Kyoto 1997; See Kyoto Protocol

COP4 = Buenos Aires 1998

COP5 = Bonn 1999

COP6 = The Hague 2000

COP7 = Marrakesh 2001

COP8 = New Delhi 2002

COP9 = Milan 2003

COP10 = Buenos Aires 2004

COP11 = Montreal 2005

COP12 = Nairobi 2006

COP13 = Bali 2007

COP14 = Poznan 2008

COP15 = Copenhagen 2009

COP16 = Cancún 2010

CPRS = Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme

CPRS legislation (Australian) = See Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009

CRC = Cooperative Research Centres

cropland management =

CSAB = Coal Sector Abatement Fund (See Australia’s CPRS legislation)

CSAS = Coal Sector Adjustment Scheme (See Australia’s CPRS legislation)

CSIRO = Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation

CSP = concentrated solar power

CSR = corporate social responsibility; See ACCSR

d = deci-

D = deka-

D&C Contractor = must complete the design, construction and commissioning of the work in accordance with the D&C Contract and (as Operator) must operate and maintain the AWTP in accordance with the O&M Contract

datasets = data collected for the purpose of conducting analysis, modelling, prediction, etc.; includes terrestrial datasets, such as WGS, and geographic datasets, such as GMT; See spatial analysis, See geospatial analysis

deci- (d) = one-tenth; 10-1

deep heat = means "electrically induced heat"

deforestation = the clearing/removal of forest land

deka- (D) = ten; 101

Department Of Climate Change (DOCC) =

Department of the Environment and Heritage = now DEW

Department of the Environment and Water Resources (DEW) =

desalination = the removal of salt and minerals from water

desalination plant = a plant that is responsible for the process of removing salt and minerals from water

desertification = changes in rainfall patterns leading to increase in size and intensification of global deserts; an adaptation to climate change

DEW = Department (of the) Environment (and) Water (Resources)

discharge = volume of water, a certain amount transported at a certain time

distributive impact = impact is analysed by assigning it to particular meaningful horizontal distributional types across all sectors of the economy; meaningful in terms of both cause and effect and policies for amelioration of risk and mitigation of impact; distribution is often analysed by super sectors defined by the methods they employ such as shipping, road transport, railroad, etc.

DMS = domestic mitigation strategy

DNA = designated national authority (under CDM & JI)

DOAS = dedicated outside air system

DOCC = Department Of Climate Change

domestic mitigation strategy (DMS) = an independent strategy of mitigation of the impact of bad policies in the past; see Kyoto

DRI = directly reduced iron

DSA = demand side abatement

DSA Rule = reduction in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from actions taken on the customer (demand) side of an electricity meter; under GGAS)(State)

drinking water = treated water that is intended for human consumption

dual carbon budgets = See multiple carbon budgets

E = exa-

EA = environmental assessment

EA Certificate = a certificate to guarantee that environmental assessment has been conducted before commencement of a new project; See Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

EC = emission credits

ecosystems = ecological community, consists of all plants, animals and microorganisms

EEO = Energy Efficiencies Opportunities

EER = energy efficiency ratio

EF = emission factor

EITE = emissions intensive trade exposed (industries) (See Australia’s CPRS legislation)

Electricity Sector Adjustment Scheme (ESAS) = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation

electricity allocation factor = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; to determine how many tonnes of emissions would be included in the allocation baseline for every megawatt hour of electricity consumed, set at 1t CO2-e per megawatt-hour

eligible emissions unit = an Australian emissions unit or an eligible international emissions unit

eligible international emissions unit = a certified emission reduction (other than a temporary certified emission reduction or a long-term certified emission reduction), an emission reduction unit, a removal unit, a prescribed unit issued in accordance with the Kyoto rules

emission = the release of a substance to the environment, whether in pure form or in other matter, and whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form; includes from landfill, sewage treatment plant and tailings dam, but does not include deposit in or discharge to landfill/sewer/tailings dam (NPI)

emission credits (EC) = surrender credits to offset emissions (under the Kyoto protocol)

emission factor = the kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted per unit of activity

emissions reduction unit (ERU) = one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions reduced or sequestered arising from a Joint Implementation (defined in Article 6 of the Kyoto protocol) project

emissions-intensive = high levels of t CO2-e

emissions-intensive coal mines = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; a concept for deciding on those mines that qualify for transitional assistance through free permits under the CSAS

emissions intensity = emissions per unit of production; useful in comparing the most environmentally destructive or costly modes of production

emissions intensity = tonne of emission (CO2-e) (or t CO2-e) per million dollars of revenue

emissions intensive trade exposed (EITE) = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation

emissions targets = allowable level of emissions under Kyoto protocol

emissions trading = under the Kyoto protocol an Annex I Party may transfer some AAUs and/or CERs, ERUs or RMUs to another Annex I Party that finds it more difficult to meet its emissions target; it may not "over-sell" and then be unable to meet its own targets so must hold a minimum level of AAUs, CERs, ERUs and/or RMUs that cannot be traded

emissions unit = see Kyoto unit

EMP = environmental management plan

EEO = Energy Efficiencies Opportunities Program

energy efficiency ratio = measure of the rate at which energy input is converted into useful energy output

energy efficiency skills =

energy industries = industries that have as their main output energy for use by the provider of services requiring energy as their major input

energy industries emissions = GhGE from fuels combusted by the fuel extraction industries or the energy producing industries

energy intensity = productivity measure; units produced per unit of energy; useful in comparing the best use of available energy

energy intensity = the amount of energy used per unit of gross domestic product (GDP)

energy scarcity =

energy services = provider of services requiring energy as their major input

energy shortages =

energy use = energy consumed in a production and certain period of time

ENGO = environmental NGO

environmental assessment = predict the impact on the environment of a proposed project throughout the life of the project; See Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

environmental management international standards = AS 1289.3.1.1-2009 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Determination of the liquid limit of a soil - Four point Casagrande method; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS 1289.3.1.2-2009 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Determination of the liquid limit of a soil - One point Casagrande method (subsidiary method); See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS 1289.3.2.1-2009 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Determination of the plastic limit of a soil - Standard method; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS 1289.3.3.1-2009 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Calculation of the plasticity index of a soil; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS 1289.3.3.2-2009 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Calculation of the cone plasticity index of a soil; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS 1289.3.4.1-2008 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Determination of the linear shrinkage of a soil - Standard method; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS 4970-2009 Protection of trees on development sites; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS/NZS ISO 14000 Basic Set:2007 Environmental Management Basic Set; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = BS EN 973:2009 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium chloride for regeneration of ion exchangers; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = BS EN ISO 15011-1:2009 Health and safety in welding and allied processes. Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases. Determination of fume emission rate during arc welding and collection of fume for analysis; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = BS EN 16023. Characterization of waste. Determination of calorific value; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = DC 09 / 30210 254; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = BS EN 1406:2009 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Modified starches; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = DD ISO/TS 21220:2009 Particulate air filters for general ventilation. Determination of filtration performance; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = ISO/DIS 11709 Soil quality - Determination of selected coal-tar derived phenolic compounds using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = ISO 16000-23:2009 Indoor air - Part 23: Performance test for evaluating the reduction of formaldehyde concentrations by sorptive building materials; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = ISO 16000-24:2009 Indoor air - Part 24: Performance test for evaluating the reduction of volatile organic compound (except formaldehyde) concentrations by sorptive building materials; See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = ISO 21438-2:2009 Workplace atmospheres - Determination of inorganic acids by ion chromatography - Part 2: Volatile acids, except hydrofluoric acid (hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid and nitric acid); See SAI Global

environmental management international standards = ISO 24095:2009 Workplace air - Guidance for the measurement of respirable crystalline silica; See SAI Global

environmental management plan (EMP) = plan to control and minimise the impact of a project on the environment

environmental values = qualities we would like our environment/resources to be like

environmental damage = in poor countries

EEO – Energy Efficiencies Opportunities Programe = in poor countries

EPBC = Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)

EPHC = Environment Protection & Heritage Council (See national waste policy)

ERU = standard emissions reduction unit under Kyoto protocol

ESAS = Electricity Sector Adjustment Scheme (See Australia’s CPRS legislation)

ESC = Energy Savings Certificate (NSW State Government)

ESD = Ecologically Sustainable Development (such as National Starategy for ESD (1992))

ESRI = supplier of GIS applications, data, training, support

ESS = Energy Savings Scheme (NSW State Government) (replacing GGAS)

ethics dictionary = some important words for corporate ethics

ETS = emissions trading scheme

exa- (E) = ; 1018 or 260

excluded industry = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; particular exclusions include agriculture, legacy waste, emissions from closed landfills

excluded industry offset = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; the agricultural sector will be able to generate offsets, thus being able to create CPRS-free industry sectors such as forestry or to trade them; legacy waste and emissions from closed landfills may also be able to create domestic offsets to trade

facility = an activity, or a series of activities (including ancillary activities), that involve the production of greenhouse gas emissions, the production of energy or the consumption of energy and that form a single undertaking or enterprise and meet the requirements of the NGER Regulations

fairness = See burden share

final energy consumption = energy used by all end use sectors less energy used by energy industries and in energy transformation

financial assistance = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; direct assistance to particular polluters to assist them modify productive processes; (See also ESAS)

forest management = proper care of a forest, including apply scientific principles, to ensure it remains healthy

fossil fuel = fuel derived from a fossilised deposit

fossilised deposit = a geological deposit of matter that was once living; mainly oil, coal, natural gas

free permit = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; a way of providing transitional assistance; e.g. to the most emissions-intensive coal mines through the CSAS

FSC Australia = Forest Stewardship Council Australia

fuel combustion activities = energy industries, manufacturing industries and construction, transport, other sectors, other

fuel combustion emissions = GhGE from all fuel combustion activities

fugitive emissions = GhG emissions that are NFFE

functional unit = a means of expressing the greenhouse gas emissions of a product in a way that is meaningful for the product being investigated (for example kilograms of CO2-e per unit of product)

G = giga-

Gaia = the whole World as a living organism; interdependencies across the World determine the character of life on Earth

Garnaut Climate Change Review = a review on the impacts of climate change on the Australian economy, and recommendations for medium to long-term policies for sustainable prosperity, commissioned by Australia's state and territory governments on 30 April 2007 and confirmed by the Rudd Government; Interim Report presented 21 February 2008; Draft Report by 30 June 2008; Final Report by 30 September 2008

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) = an open source collection of ~60 tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views.

GEMI = Global Environmental Management Initiative

geographic information system (GIS) = information technology with a specific focus on the spatial attributes of the World creating a system for visualising, capturing, storing, analysing and managing data based on spatial reference; See spatial analysis; See geospatial analysis; See resource management

geographic space = formal definition of spatial locations on the surface of the Earth; See spatial analysis; See geospatial analysis; See resource management

geospatial analysis = tools for understanding geographic space in order to properly locate matter under scrutiny, including GIS technology, GPS technology and the building of data sets; See spatial analysis combination of spatial software and analytical methods with terrestrial or geographic datasets

geothermal = the process of using the earth's internal heat

geo thermal power =

GGAS = Greenhouse Gas (Reduction Scheme) (State)

GhG = greenhouse gas


GhGE = greenhouse gas emissions

GhGR = greenhouse gas removals

GIS = geographic information system

giga- (G) = one billion; 109 or 230

GJ = gigajoule

Global Positioning System (GPS) = a U.S. space-based radionavigation system that provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to civilian users on a continuous worldwide basis -- freely available to all. For anyone with a GPS receiver, the system will provide location and time. GPS provides accurate location and time information for an unlimited number of people in all weather, day and night, anywhere in the world.

global recession buffer (GRB) = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; assistance for EITE industries who meet the lower threshold will qualify for 66% assistance, and those meeting the higher threshold will qualify for 94.5% assistance; permanent inclusion of GRB for EITE industries, reducing at an annual level of 1.3%

global warming = the overall increase in world temperatures due to greenhouse gases

global warming potential (GWP) = the effect on global warming of an GhG when compared to the emission of CO2 = 1

GMT = Generic Mapping Tools

GPS = Global Positioning System

grazing land management = the process of altering the balance of animal, soil and plants in order to gain a desired outcome

GRB = global recession buffer (See Australia’s CPRS legislation)

Green Paper = Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper, July 2008

greenhouse effect = longwave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface is absorbed by a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere; an important natural occurrence necessary for life on Earth

greenhouse gas (GhG) = mainly CO2; CH4; N2O; PFCs; HFCs; and SF6

greenhouse gas emission (GhGE) = any process that results in an increase of GhG in the atmosphere

greenhouse gas removal (GhGR) = any process that results in a decrease of GhG in the atmosphere

greenhouse gas source and sink activities = afforestation, deforestation, reforestation, forest management, cropland management, grazing land management, revegetation

Gt = gigatonne

GTEM = Global Trade (and) Environment Model

Gtoe = Gt (of) oil equivalent

GWP = global warming potential

h = hecto-

halocarbons = anthropogenic compounds of carbon combined with (a) halogen(s); those halocarbons containing fluorine, chlorine and bromine contribute to ozone depletion and to enhanced greenhouse effect

halogens = the elements in the seventh period in the periodic table (fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At)

harnessing geo thermal geo electricity =

Hawke Review = review of Australia's main environmental law: EPBC Act tabled in Parliament 21 December 2009

hecto- (h) = one hundred; 102

HFC = hydrofluorocarbon

HGWP = high global warming potential

high voltage power supply (HVPS) =

highly treated recycled water =

hot rock = geothermal

hundred = See hecto-

HVDC = high voltage direct current

HVPS = high voltage power supply

hybrid power = powered by a combination of processes involving both fossil fuels and non-fossils fuels

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) = a GhG

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) = HFC-23=CHF3; HFC-32=CH2F2; HFC-41=CH3F; HFC-43-10mee=C5H2F10; HFC-125=C2HF5; HFC-134=C2H2F4; HFC-134a=CH2FCF3; HFC-152a=C2H4F2; HFC-143=C2H3F3; HFC-143a=C2H3F3; HFC-227ea=C3HF7; HFC-236fa=C3H2F6; HFC-245ca=C3H3F5

ICE = internal combustion engine

IEA = International Energy Agency

IGCC = integrated gasification combined cycle

impact = consequence; the outcome of an event or situation expressed qualitatively or quantitatively in an assessment, a loss, a cost, an injury, disadvantage, or a gain; See productive impact, sectoral impact, regional impact, distributive impact

industrial processes = mineral products, chemical industry, metal production, other production, production of halocarbons and carbon hexafluoride, consumption of halocarbons and carbon hexafluoride, other

industrial processes emissions = by-product or fugitive GhGE from industrial processes

integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) =

integrated project team (IPT) =

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) = established by WMO and UNEP in 1988; open to all members of the WMO and the UN

international bunkers' emissions = GhGE from fuel use in ships or aircraft engaged in international transport

International Energy Agency (IEA) =

international target = (as defined in NCOS) the greenhouse gas emissions target that Australia has committed to meet by 2012 under the Kyoto protocol and the target agreed for Australia in any replacement to the Kyoto protocol

IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel (on) Climate Change

IPCC Assessment Report =

JI = joint implementation

joint implementation (JI) = a market-based implementation mechanism defined in Article 6 of the Kyoto protocol, allowing Annex I countries or companies from these countries to implement projects jointly that limit or reduce emissions or enhance sinks, and to share the ERUs

k = kilo-

K = kilo-

kg = kilograms

kilo- (k) or (K) = one thousand; 103 or 210

kPa = kilopascals

kW = kilowatt

kWh = kilowatt hour

Kyoto Protocol = Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto, Japan, 11 December, 1997); in force 16 February 2006; to stabilise atmospheric concentrations of GhG at a level that will prevent dangerous interference with the climate

Kyoto Protocol = YES = registered as seeking to ratify the protocol and at present have obtained a status of ratification: accessed, approved, accepted, or ratified: Albania; Algeria; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Belarus; Barbados; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Chile; China; Colombia; Congo; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Côte d`Ivoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; European Community; Fiji; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Honduras; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Micronesia (Federated States of); Monaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Niue; Norway; Oman; Pakistan; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Republic of Korea; Republic of Moldova; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Syrian Arab Republic; Thailand; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; United Republic of Tanzania; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Viet Nam; Yemen; Zambia; Zambia;

Kyoto Protocol = NO = registered as not seeking to ratify the protocol: United States of America

Kyoto unit = an emissions unit recognised for compliance under the Kyoto protocol. Kyoto units include (AAUs), CERs (including tCERs and lCERss), ERUs and RMUs

L = litres

land use emissions = GhGE from activities relating to land use (use of forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements and other land)

land-use change and forestry emissions = GhGE from activities relating to land-use change and forestry change activities (activities impact on three different carbon sources/sinks: aboveground biomass, belowground biomass and soil carbon)

LCD = liquid crystal display

LCER = long-term certified emission reduction (lCER)

LED = light emitting diode

level-three water restrictions = water restrictions that outline flexible watering times

LHV = lower heat value

life cycle assessment = the compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle

link between poverty, deforestation and desertification =

liquefied natural gas (LNG) = natural gas (predominantly methane, CH4) that has been converted temporarily to liquid form for ease of storage or transport

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) = natural gas (predominantly methane, CH4) that has been converted temporarily to liquid form for ease of storage or transport

LNG = liquefied natural gas

loss of biodiversity =

LPG = liquefied petroleum gas

LRET = Large-scale Renewable Energy Target

µ = micro-

m = milli-

M = mega-

maintain appropriate flows = for irrigation

MCE = Ministerial Council on Energy

MRET = mandatory renewable energy target

manufacturing = The fabrication of raw materials into a product

marine emissions = emissions from fuel use in ships engaged in international transport

mega- (M) = one million; 106 or 220

MEP = minimum energy performance

MEPS = minimum energy performance standards

methane (CH4) = a GhG; an odourless inflammable gas, formed from decaying organic matter, found in rice cultivation, domestic grazing animals, termites, landfills, coal mining, and oil and gas extraction

micro- (µ) = one-millionth; 10-6

milli- (m) = one-thousandth; 10-3

million = See mega-

mitigate = a formal response to the possible outcome of risk; concentrate on impact after it has occurred; in special circumstances it may be possible to plan things in such a way that, if the event does occur, it will have little or no impact. This is especially relevant to circumstances where risks have arisen because of bad conditions or bad planning

mitigation strategy = a strategy of mitigation of impact of bad policies in the past; see domestic mitigation strategy

MJ = megajoule

ML = megalitre

Mt = megatonne

Mtoe = megatonne (of) oil equivalent

MW = megawatt

MWh = megawatt hour

MPa = megapascal

MRET = Mandatory Renewable Energy Target

multiple carbon budgets = Garnaut proposes a budget for a strategy for what Australia is prepared to do initially as part of the developed country contribution to keeping open the possibility of effective, comprehensive global agreement; and others representing what Australia would be prepared to do in the context of effective, global action; See Garnaut Climate Change Review

n = nano-

N2O = nitrous oxide

nano- (n) = 10-9

National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS) = The National Carbon Offset Standard applies to the voluntary carbon market, which is complementary to, but operates outside of, the CPRS. It provides guidance on what constitutes a genuine, additional offset credit for the voluntary carbon market in the context of the CPRS, including offsets from increased soil carbon and from other land-based emissions sources. It sets minimum requirements for the verification and retirement of voluntary carbon credits and provides guidance for calculating the carbon footprint of an organisation or product for the purpose of achieving ‘carbon neutrality’. It also provides a voluntary standard for businesses to use in becoming carbon neutral or for developing carbon neutral products. A logo will be made available so that consumers can have confidence that organisations and products bearing the logo have achieved carbon neutrality in a way that complements the CPRS and achieves genuine emissions reductions.

national energy market =

National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) =

National Registry of Emissions Units (NREU) =

national waste policy = EPHC:"Less Waste, More resources" (November, 2009)

natural gas renewable (NGR) =

National Geoscience Datasets =

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) =

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 =

NCOS = National Carbon Offset Standard

NEMMCO = National Electricity Market Management Company

NFFE = non-fossil-fuel emissions

NGCC = natural gas combined cycle

NGER = National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting

NGER Act 2007 =

NGER = NGER Compliance & Enforcement Policy (under NGER Regulations 2008)

NGER = NGER Quick Facts Sheet

NGER = NGER Regulations 2008

NGER = NGER Reporting Guidelines

NGER System = the national reporting framework for information related to the greenhouse gas emissions, and energy production and use of corporations operating in Australia. The framework is established under Commonwealth legislation, which makes registration and reporting mandatory for corporations whose greenhouse gas emissions or energy production or use meet certain thresholds.

NGO = non-governmental organisation

NGR = natural gas renewable

nitric oxide (NO) =

nitrogen dioxide (NO2) = a GhG

nitrous oxides (NOx) = a range of gases released during combustion and causing environmental effects including acidification and greenhouse

NMVOC = non-methane volatile organic compounds

NMVOC emissions = chemicals other than methane that contain carbon, including alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, aromatics, halocarbons and ketones

NO = nitric oxide

NO2 = nitrogen dioxide

NOx = nitrous oxides

non-energy emissions = GhGE from solvent product emissions and industrial processes

non-fossil-fuel emissions (NFFE) = emissions from activities than do not involve the burning of fossil fuels; such as methane released in the mining process; methane from livestock; methane released from sewage; GhG from cement production

Non-Kyoto international emissions units = A prescribed unit issued in accordance with an international agreement (other than the Kyoto protocol) or a prescribed unit issued outside Australia under a law of a foreign country

non-volcanic rock =

none = see zero

NPI = National Pollutant Inventory

NREU = National Registry of Emissions Units

nutrients = A substance that provides plants food, includes vitamins and minerals

NWC = National Water Commission; See NWC's Water Dictionary

ocean acidification = increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere results in more CO2 being dissolved in water (H2O) increasing the level of carbonic acid (H2CO3) in the ocean; a threat to exisiting ocean life forms

oe = oil equivalent

OGC = Open Geospatial Consortium

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) = organisation that develops standards for geospatial and location based services

0perational control = the corporation recognised under NCOS as possessing the authority to introduce and implement (i) operating policies; (ii) health and safety policies; and (iii) environmental policies for the facility

ORER = Office (of the) Renewable Energy Regulator

OTN = Obligation Transfer Number

offset = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation

P = peta-

Pa = pascal

parabolic trough = a form of CSP

pascal (Pa) = standard measurement for pressure

PC = pulverised coal

perfluorocarbons (PFCs) = a GhG

perfluorocarbons (PFCs) = perfluoromethane=CH4; perfluoroethane=C2F6; perfluoropropane=C3F8; perfluorobutane=C4F10; perfluorocyclobutane=c-C4F8; perfluoropentane=C5F12; perfluorohexane=C6F14;

permanent = (as defined by NCOS) offsets have actually occurred and the carbon stored or sequestered is guaranteed not to be released into the atmosphere in the future

permanent inland water = effect on rainfall: addressed by Hope et al (2004); See http://www.cawcr.gov.au/.../Hope_etal2004.pdf

peta- (P) = ; 1015 or 250

PFCs = perfluorocarbons

photovoltaic (PV) = conversion process; light (photons) into voltage

photovoltaic cell = an electric cell that transforms light into voltage

photovoltaic energy = electricity resulting from PV process; a form of solar power

population growth = Different rates of for rich and poor countries

post-Kyoto program =

poverty = Condition of being in a state of deprivation, with inadequate resources and income

primary food processing assistance = assistance to the primary food processing through the CCAF, a key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation

productive impact = impact is analysed by assigning it to particular meaningful horizontal production types across all sectors of the economy; meaningful in terms of both cause and effect and policies for amelioration of risk and mitigation of impact; production is often analysed by super sectors defined by the methods they employ such as industrial, commercial, financial, etc.

pulverised coal (PC) = secondary (or milled) form of coal prepared for ultra supercritical steam generators

PV = photovoltaic

quality =

radiative = transfer by, or occurring as a result of, radiation

radiative forcing = instantaneous warming effect attributed to a concentration of greenhouse gases and aerosols in the atmosphere, measured in Watts per m2; due to CO2, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2) and halocarbons: Also stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, aerosols and linear contrails (See Garnaut Climate Change Review)

ratify Kyoto =

REC = Renewable Energy Certificate (NSW State Government)

RECA = Renewable Energy Certificate Agent (NSW State Government)

recycled water = Treated water that is used/reused more than once

recycling = Process of sorting materials, taking unuseful waste and turning it into a product

REDD = reductions in deforestation and degradation (in developing countries), (global scheme promoting projects for first world countries to finance)

REDD agreement = an agreement between a first world country and a third word country to finance reductions in deforestation and degradation

reduce the discharge of nutrients =

reforestation = Re-stocking/re-planting an area with trees, an area that had bee previous cleared

regional impact = impact is analysed by assigning it to a meaningful region; meaningful in terms of both cause and effect and policies for amelioration of risk and mitigation of impact; regions are defined socially, physically and economically; in Australia region has weak meaning; in Australia the most significant regional defining factor is water, a region could first be defined by the ridge defining the flow of water; since water is also huge in industrial production and power, water probably offers the most useful initial defining factor for analysing regional impact

Registry, the = National Registry of Emissions Units (NREU)

release =

removals = the opposite of emissions

removal unit (RMU) = a Kyoto unit; one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions sequestered and issued for removals of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by eligible land use, land-use change and forestry activities

renewable energy = energy derived from renewables

renewable energy fuel = fuel replaced by renewable energy

renewable energy production = products derived from a process that uses renewable energy as a major resource

renewables = a source that cannot be exhausted - wind, wave, solar, geothermal, biomass, etc.

replacement flows =

RER = Renewable Energy Regulator; See ORER ; See RET

RES = Renewable Energy Scheme

resource management = a management system that uses GIS for siteing, permitting and asset management;

RET = Renewable Energy Target

revegetation = The re-growth/re-establishment of a vegetation area that had previous been cleared

risk =

river health =

RMU = standard removal unit under Kyoto protocol

SAI = Strongly Affected Industry (See Australia’s CPRS legislation)

Scope 1 emissions = (as defined in NCOS) the release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as a direct result of activities at a Facility.

Scope 2 emissions = (as defined in NCOS) the release of greenhouse gas as a result of electricity generation, heating, cooling or steam that is consumed by a Facility.

Scope 3 emissions = (as defined in NCOS) the release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere that is generated in the wider economy as a consequence of a facility’s activities but that are physically produced by another Facility.

sectoral impact = impact is analysed by assigning it to a meaningful sector of the economy; meaningful in terms of both cause and effect and policies for amelioration of risk and mitigation of impact; sectors are often defined by the resources they employ and the products they produce

SEER = seasonal energy efficiency ratio

sequestration = (as defined in NCOS) the removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide, either through biological processes (for example, photosynthesis in plants and trees), or geological processes (for example, storage of carbon dioxide in underground reservoirs).

sewage treatment plants (STPs) = protects water quality

share = See burden share

SHRC = sustainability (&) human resources committee

sink = cause of net decrease in GhG emissions

sink = the creation of a storage unit in geological or oceanic formations; may be used for carbon capture and storage, etc.

sink = See carbon sink.

SF6 = sulphur hexafluoride

solar power = energy from the sun is collected and converted into energy that is useable; solar photovoltaic energy systems/processes convert photons to electricity and solar concentrated thermal energy systems/processes (often referred to as CSP) convert heat from the sun to electricity typically using steam

solvent product emissions = GhGE resulting from the use of solvents and other products containing volatile compounds

SOP = standard operating procedures

source = cause of net increase in GhG emissions

SP = solar power

spatial = existing in and therefore impacted by the character of space

spatial analysis = analysis which seeks to understand the character of space which includes geospatial analysis; a number of disciplines have used spatial analysis as fundamental to their concerns, many of which are today crucial to understanding the current state of the World (a coming together which has been seriously promoted as being required to properly understand the World as a living organism (or Gaia) and failure to do so will leave man incapable of fully understanding the interdependencies that are fundamental to life on Earth) including cartography, geography, topography, meteorology, climatology, botany, biology, ecology, epidemiology, demography, etc., all of which need a proper handling of the concept of space

spatial data = data sets that are based on spatial analysis

spatial data infrastructural analysis = a discipline that seeks to combine all data sets that are based on spatial analysis

SRES = Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme

SSOP = sustainability SOP

stormwater harvesting = the process of the collection and re-use of rain water

Strongly Affected Industry (SAI) = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; an industry that will receive direct assistance through the Electricity Sector Adjustment Scheme (ESAS) (coal-fired electricity generation industry)

STP = sewage treatment plants

sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) = a GhG

sustainability = the ability to continue into the long term; the ability of a system to co-exist with another system without negative impact on that other system's sustainability

sustainability attributes = quality features of a location, building, product, services, etc. that impact (positive or negative) on sustainability

sustainability (&) human resources committee (SHRC) = a board sub-committee set up to review the past corporate sustainability performance of a given period and impact on future corporate policy and procedures and key business decisions such as SSOPs to bring about or improve sustainability

sustainability performance = formal units of measure to enable evaluation of actual sustainability against a sustainability plan

sustainability performance objectives = formal objectives of a sustainability plan based on scientific excellence and current best practice that will result in highest levels of achievable sustainability

sustainability plan = a special business plan or corporate strategic plan that has sustainability performance objectives as key

t = tonne

T = tera-

t CO2-e = emissions intensity (tonne(s) of CO2 emission); level of pollution

t CO2-e per = level of rate of pollution of a particular productive process e.g. 1t CO2-e per megawatt-hour

target = See carbon target

tCER = temporary CER

TECAP = Transitional Electricity Cost Assistance Program (See Australian CPRS legislation)

technology neutral =

ten = See deka-

tera- (T) = one trillion; 1012 or 240

tertiary effluent = Final treatment stage of sewage water before it is discharged into the environment

transitional assistance = key element in Australia’s CPRS legislation; special treatment of particular polluters, e.g. the most emissions-intensive coal mines receiving free permits under the CSAS

Transitional Electricity Cost Assistance Program (TECAP) = additional assistance under Australian CPRS legislation to various businesses, such as mining and oil and gas extraction, to help them deal with increased electricity price

transport emissions = GhGE from the combustion and evaporation of fuel for all transport activity, regardless of the sector, but excluding emissions from fuel sold to any air or marine vessel engaged in international transport (see international bunkers' fuels)

trillion = See tera-

TW = terawatt

TWh = terawatt hour

ultra supercritical = steam generators operating at >566°C/30 megapascals

UN stats = United Nations stats related to climate change

UNEP = United Nations Environment Programme

UNFCCC = United Nations Framework Convention (on) Climate Change

United Nations Framework Convention (on) Climate Change =

VCU = Voluntary Carbon Unit

VCS = Voluntary Carbon Standard

VOC = volatile organic compound

volatile organic compound (VOC) = chemical compound based on carbon chains or rings with a vapour pressure of more than 2mm of mercury (0.27 kPa) at 25°C (NPI)

Voluntary Carbon Unit (VCU) = one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions reduced, certified and issued under the VCS

Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) =

Voluntary Emissions Reduction (VER) = emission reduction units that have been generated according to defined voluntary standards

voluntary emissions reporting = a scheme to involve the agricultural sector following permanent exclusion of agricultural emissions from Australia’s CPRS scheme (See agriculture emissions exclusion)

voluntary emissions reporting trial = a scheme to help the agricultural sector better understand and manage its emissions following their permanent exclusion from Australia’s CPRS scheme (See agriculture emissions exclusion)

waste activities = solid waste disposal on land, waste water handling, waste incineration, other

waste emissions = emissions from solid waste disposal on land, wastewater, waste incineration and any other waste management activity

Water Loss Management Program = joint initiative of the Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW, the Water Directorate, and the Australian Government

water recycling = re-using and reclaiming treated waste water

water-sharing =

Water Smart Australia = Water Loss Management Program

Web Map Service (WMS) =

WGS = World Geodetic System

White Paper = Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme: Australia’s Low Pollution Future, White Paper, December 2008

widening gap = between rich and poor

widening pay gap = was an issue

wind power = continues to be a big renewable energy issue

wind farms = large windmills condensed in one area to produce energy

WLMP = Water Loss Management Program

WMO = World Meteorological Organization

WMS = Web Map Service

World Geodetic System (WGS) = a standard coordinate frame for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface (the datum or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational equipotential surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level (Refer: Wikipedia)

Y = yotta-

yotta- (Y) = ; 1024 or 280

Z = zetta-

zero = ; 100 or 20

zero emission =

zetta- (Z) = ; 1021 or 270

Climate Institute
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER)
World Resources Institute (WRI)