docDownload Renewal

Membership Options

  1. Individual membership (Single Licence) - $365 AUD per annum
    docDownload recognises that an individual will only have particular needs, and will therefore only use a small proportion of the documents on offer. For instance, an individual may be interested in Resumes, in the Last Will and Testaments, in Family History and in the Human Resources documents that refer to pay and conditions of employment. We have therefore reduced the individual's membership fee to $365 AUD per annum (based on $1 per day).

  2. Business membership (Single Licence) - $520 AUD per annum
    If you are a small business you may only need one password as people in the office can co-operate on its use. We have set the fee at $520 AUD per annum ($10 per week). It is however important to register as a business member rather than as an individual so that docDownload knows who it is dealing with and is therefore capable of satisfying your particular business needs. This is especially important when it comes to requests for new documents, which can only be judged on their requirements and merit.

  3. Corporate Membership (Six user licence) - $1560 AUD per annum.
    Multi user licences are necessary for the corporate user, but we have found that often the six user licence is a good alternative because usually more than six users can be issued with the password because with six uses available they rarely find all in use at once - people tend to use the site at different times in the day, reducing the risk of conflict. Alternatively we can set up six accounts and issue different passwords for each account.

  4. More than 6 users - (multi user licence) - Service Level Agreement.
    A large organization will have particular needs that cannot be satisfied by a normal 6 user licence. In this case we are happy to come to see you and assess your needs and put together a service level agreement particular to those needs.

Payment options

docDownload offer two payment options:

  1. Credit card
    World-class, safe and certificated credit card arrangements are available for those people wanting to buy a single document or wishing to pay for their annual membership via credit card.

  2. Cheque
    In Australia most corporate users will prefer to pay by cheque. We have set up a means for generating a docDownload tax invoice which is required by Australian tax law which you can use to justify your membership payment. This generation of the invoice will be notified to us and as soon as we receive your cheque we will be ready to start the docDownload account and we will ring you or email you with the password.

  3. More than 6 users - (multi user licence) - Service Level Agreement.
    Please Contact Us

Total Amount
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address